The Mark of the Beast, Book 2

Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.” 1 John 2:18 NKJV

While ex-college professor Micah Smith continues the good fight from his wilderness redoubt in the Rocky Mountains, a mysterious new miracle worker appears in Shiloh, Montana. Evanthas Bestia soon captures the attention and the heart of the mountain city with shocking miracles and healings everywhere he goes.

After reviving a heart attack victim at the Shiloh Café one morning, the news races all over town. His first healing service at Shiloh Fellowship fills the church with miracles and healings that astound everyone. Afterwards, word spreads like a wildfire that the deaf can hear, the blind can see, even the dead are raised whenever this strange man shows up. 

Mass media arrives in Shiloh, live-streaming his miracle services. Soon folks everywhere begin to wonder if he’s the messiah. The pretty young pastor wonders if she’s falling in love.

Micah Smith isn’t buying it. While his militia fights the Marxist government that has installed itself over the formerly free men and women of America, Micah believes that Bestia is the greater threat, and makes it his purpose in life to kill Evanthas Bestia, or die trying.

Meanwhile, Bestia sends his demons to find and execute Smith and his friends.

Can the aging Christian prevail against the archdemon many see as God incarnate?

Find out, get your copy of The Prophet on Amazon today!

John Rock’s books have no profanity and or graphic sexuality. He writes end times novels that are fast moving and full of plot twists from a Christian, Biblical point of view. If you find Christians, conservatives and their literature offensive, this book may not be for you.