Massive inflation destroys the economy and another “Great Depression” latches itself on America, causing unemployment, homelessness, hunger and crime. When grocery stores run out of food, mobs and desperate people destroy the cities and spill out into the countryside like hungry locusts. In a country without rule of law, no home, farm or retreat is safe. Overwhelmed local police and county sheriffs can’t stop the violence. In response, the President declares martial law and sends the army to every town and city in America.
The army arrives in the little college town of Shiloh, Montana to enforce martial law, and orders everyone to get the new biometric ID chip within a month. Without it, people won’t be able to buy food or anything else and will be subject to arrest.
Nobody likes martial law or the ID, and a few believers think that the chip is the mark of the beast, because nobody will be able to buy anything without it. Most Christians don’t – their pastors tell them it’s not the mark because the rapture of the church hasn’t taken place yet. Since the church is still on earth and there’s no Antichrist, how could the ID be the mark? Besides, nobody’s going to let their children starve because of some Bible verses.
Retired Army Colonel Micah Smith thinks the ID is the mark and decides to leave town. His close friends the Lee family join him, and they slip away into the Rocky Mountains.
A few days later, Shawn Lee and Micah go hunting and collide with an army patrol. Micah is captured, while Shawn escapes and pushes his family deeper into the mountains.
Will Micah die in prison? Can the Lees survive in the Rocky Mountains? Is the ID really the mark of the beast? Is this the beginning of the Great Tribulation, or is it the final collapse of the last free nation in the world?
Find out what happens, get your copy from Amazon today!
John Rock’s books have no profanity and or graphic sexuality. He writes end times novels that are fast moving and full of plot twists from a Christian, Biblical point of view. If you find Christians, conservatives and their literature offensive, this book may not be for you.